Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ishara Sandamini (Kethaki) at New Movie

w¢kak yokafka
sexy bIdrd

úydr uy foaúhf.a pß;h weiqfrka ks¾udKh jk iskudmghl uqyqr;a Wf<, miq.shod fnd/,a, iqo¾YS Yd,dfõ§ meje;aúK' 

fï hq.fha ckm%sh ks<s bIrd i|ñKs tys úydr uy foaúhf.a pß;h ksrEmKh lrkq ,nhs' úydr uy foaù hkqfjka ku ;nd we;s tys wfkl=;a pß;hka Y%shdks wurfiak" i÷ka úfcaisß" ã' î' .xf.dv;ekak we;=¿ msßi rÕ;s' 

fuh ù' Wmq,a iqo;a fmf¾rdf.a wOHlaIKhls' .dñKS fldia;d wx. rpkfhka tlafjhs' ysud,a iÔj fmf¾rd iy Wmq,a iqo;a fmf¾rd úydr uy foaú iskudmgh ksIamdokh lrkq ,nhs' 

ìlsks m%Yakhla ksid o<od .ukh Ñ;%mgfha fyauud,d l=uß pß;hg f;drdf.k isá mqIamsldj bka bj;a lrkq ,enqfõ tu pß;hg wf.!rjhla fj;ehs lshñks' bIdrd ìlsksh w¢k ksrEmsldjls' fï ksid wehj úydruyd foaúhg .e,fmkafka ke;ehs wysxil isxy, fn!oaOhkaf.ka úfrdaOhla bÈßfha§ u;= úh yel'

Ishara Sandamini Abeywickrama is a fashion model in Sri lanka. Ishara Sandamini is doing her studies to be a Aurivedic Doctor and this Sri Lankan Model performed so many teledramas. Sihina Piyapath, Sihinayaki Jivethi and Chaya are some the Teledramas of Ishara Sandamini will perform soon on Sri Lankan channels. Ishara Sandamini Abeywickrama participated in Derana Miss Sri Lanka beauty contest in 2008 and she was able to selected for the last 5 finallists. In 2009 she won Miss Lion Queen and in 2010 she also participated in Miss Sri Lanka competition and won second place. This Sri Lankan hot model later entered in to the fashion industry.

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