Wednesday, March 12, 2014

No. 1 highest-earning music artist

2014 jif¾ jeäu wdodhula bmehQ .dhsldj

.S; o¾Yl j, ks;e;skau byska jecUqKq ckms‍%h fmdma .dhsld fÜ,¾ iaú*aÜ ;j;a o¾Ylhl m<uq ia:dkh Èkd.ekSug iu;a ù we;' 

ta 2014 jeäu wodhula bmehQ .dhl .dhsldjka i|yd jQ o¾Ylfhhs' jeäu wodhula bmehQ .dhl .dhsldjka 40 fofkl=f.ka iukaú; ,ehsia;=fõ m<uq ia:dkh ysñlr.ekSug iu;a jQ wehf.a wodhdu wefußldkq fvd,¾ 39"699"575'60ls' 

fï i|yd weh jif¾§ iyNd.S jQ r;= ixpdrh f,i ye¢kajQ f,dal ixpdrh fukau wef.a .S ;eáfha wf,úho odhl ù we;' óg wu;rj 2012 jif¾§ weh jeäu f.ùula ,enQ ix.S;{Hhd njgo m;ajQjdh'

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